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Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery

Vitreo-Retinal Surgeons & Specialists located in Austin, Round Rock, Marble Falls, and
Lakeway, TX

Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery

Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery

Vitreoretinal surgery treats conditions affecting the vitreous body and retina in the eye. At Retina Consultants of Austin, with offices in Austin, Lakeway, Marble Falls, and Round Rock, Texas, the vitreoretinal specialists have extensive training in both medical and surgical management of vitreous and retina disease. They can preserve your sight if you seek treatment early, so don’t wait to get help. Call the nearest office or schedule an appointment online today for your vitreoretinal surgery consultation.

Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery Q & A

What is vitreoretinal surgery?

Vitreoretinal surgery refers to the surgical treatment of two crucial parts of your eye, including:

Vitreous body

The vitreous body is the jelly-like material filling the middle of your eye. It maintains eye roundness and helps hold your retina in place. 


The retina is the layer of nerve cells that lie against the back wall of the eye. It converts light into electrical signals that eventually form visual images. 

Vitreoretinal surgery can preserve and sometimes restore your eyesight if you have a serious eye disease affecting the back or middle of the eye. 

What conditions does vitreoretinal surgery treat? 

Vitreoretinal surgery treats a broad range of problems, including: 

  • Diabetic retinopathy: damaged retinal blood vessels due to high blood sugar
  • Retinal tears: tears in the retina, pulling it partially away from the back of the eye
  • Retinal detachment: entire retina peels away from the back of the eye
  • Macular holes: vitreous tugs the retina, making a hole
  • Epiretinal membranes: scar tissue on the surface of the retina
  • Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD): vitreous separates from the retina 

Vitreoretinal surgery isn’t always necessary for these conditions. For example, you don’t need surgery for PVD unless it causes a retinal tear, retinal detachment, or a severe influx of new floaters (shapes that drift around your visual field), flashes (flashing lights), or vision problems.

Other vitreoretinal conditions, such as retinal vein occlusion and macular degeneration, typically respond to nonsurgical approaches like intraocular injections. 

What is the goal of vitreoretinal surgery?

Vitreoretinal surgery focuses on restoring your eye anatomy and correcting underlying issues like scar tissue and abnormal blood vessels. The ultimate goal is improving or restoring your vision while taking steps to prevent the problem from progressing. 

After vitreoretinal surgery, you’ll need regular eye exams to monitor your eyes and identify new problems if they develop. 

The providers at Retina Consultants of Austin have a long history of successful medical and surgical treatment of all vitreous and retinal diseases. With their extensive training, they’re ready to create an eye disease management and treatment plan that restores your vision. 

If you need vitreoretinal surgery to restore your eye health, call the nearest Retina Consultants of Austin office or schedule an appointment online today.